If you found this website either you are lost, bored, need to seek medical help, or perhaps all three. Regardless of your affliction I appreciate you stopping by, I guess.
Here I have the chance to document that I was truly here. Creative release, express some of my thoughts on a multitude of topics including but not limited to: childhood, life, living and dying, work, soccer, music, politics, philosophy, travel, etc.
People just because it says I am an "International Operative" on my mock interpol wanted form, please don't take it seriously or report me to authorities; just an innocent reference to living abroad. That said with Trump now in charge of the Justice Department one never knows who they will be coming for next.
Still trying to process the 2024 election and how so many people in our country buy whatever comes out of this guy's mouth ("they are eating the dogs"). It is a mystery to me why people just accept being repeatedly lied to. As well there is the fact he has been found liable of sexual abuse, guilty of fraud, awaiting sentencing in hush money trial; then there are those cases yet to be adjudicated but now never will be based on his handpicked state of the art Supreme Court Justices who gave him immunity. Sorry but I cannot in good conscience support such a demonstrably flawed and despicable human being. Is this who we are?
This site is still in its infancy, more to come. Stay healthy!